is one of the most important components to property management, especially in Long Beach where the majority of our housing inventory is aging beyond a simple repair. If you are like many Landlords who would rather pay $500 to patch an item than pay $10,000 to replace the item, then you are in good company. If you are one of the few Landlords looking to replace expensive items, then you’re in a very selective group and also, in very good company. We have clients in both camps, but I think we can agree, we’ve all been guilty of doing a little “patchwork” when really, a full replacement may have saved us some money down the line. As a property management company, these are important questions we need to ask. If your intention is to sell your building in a few months or years, a little patch work may be your best option. If you’re looking to give your building to your grandchildren, then maybe a more significant repair may be in order. Again, this is where a real management team will watch over your bottom line, the one thing we hold most sacred at Kinnery’s.
At Kinnery’s we have a trusted team of handymen, tradesmen and licensed contractors, and although we provide great loyalty to our team of contractors, we are always on the lookout to add new talented workers. We believe that competition is a good thing and providing our clients with the greatest workmanship at the lowest rates is paramount. We will always provide our clients with two to three quotes on any work order above $500, to ensure we are always providing the most competitive rates.
Owners looking to do their own repair work or looking to utilize their own repairmen. Although this is not always recommended due to liability concerns, we will always place our clients best interest at the forefront of any decision making. If our client’s tradesman is licensed, efficient, insured and offers better rates than our very own recommended tradesmen, he/she may very well become part of our team.
Home warranty
Many property management companies steer their clients away from Home warranty’s policies due to the many home warranty ‘repair exclusions’ listed in the fine print. However, certain buildings will benefit from a home warranty insurance policy. This is a conversation every manager must have with his client. Again, it’s all about the bottom line.